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Ride the North 2024

Ride the North (RtN) is back and takes place on 24th August 2024!

You can now register to enter to join the Kayleigh's Wee Stars team and raise funds for our charity whilst celebrating all that is good about cycling and enjoying breath-taking scenery around the North East of Scotland.

We'll take care of your entry fee (£42) and all we ask is that you raise some funds to help us continue to support families with a child with a terminal diagnosis.

To register please enter your details below and tick the check box and you'll receive an email with your registration and entry instructions. For any questions or more information, email us at and we'll get back to you.

Thank you for joining and taking part as a member of TeamKWS.

More details on the event and our charity places are also available on the RtN website here:

Register and Enter

Click here to register and enter Ride the North for Kayleigh's Wee Stars


We need your support to ensure we can continue to help brave families make precious memories together.

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